Family Photo

Family Photo

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I got an award! Thanks to my friend Bridget
This award comes with a few to-do's:
1.) Say one nice thing to the man in your life:
Thank you for being my prince charming and for taking care of me like I am your queen. I love how thoughtful you are. I love watching you with our babies. They are so lucky to have you as their daddy.

2.) List at least 6 ways you measure success in your life:

1.) Am I spending time with the Lord daily and am I striving to be more like Him?
2.) Am I treating my husband with respect and lifting him up daily?
3.) Am I being an example of Christ to my kids and showing them who Jesus is daily?
4.) Am I teaching my kids obedience and respect for others?
5.) Am I abiding in God's will, living to please Him and using my gifts for His glory?
6.) Am I serving others and taking care of "the least of these?" 

3.) Assign 5 other blogs this award

3.) Lizzy

Okay ladies, have fun! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK! Do I just answer the questions?? HAHA!! I don't think I have anyone to tag!! HAHAHA!!!