Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Mom, Please Shut Her Up!

We went to dinner at my parents' house on Saturday night and were on our way home at about 10:00 at night. Noah was put to bed at their house so he was awaken from a deep sleep when we got him up to leave. We get everybody loaded in the car and take off. Of course Maia Belle starts screaming as soon as we leave. I don't even attempt to put the pacifier in her mouth because I know that she will just spit it out. As we get on the freeway, Noah starts to grunt. I am thinking it's out of frustration with his sister's screaming. With just about three exits to go, the freeway comes to a dead stop. Perfect! I've got a screaming baby, a grunting delirious tired child, an annoyed husband changing lanes like a crazy man because the next lane always moves faster than the one we're in, and a pounding headache. Suddenly, Noah's grunting stops and I turn to see if maybe he's fallen asleep in spite of his sister's perpetual screaming. He is wide awake. He takes his pacifier out of his mouth so as not to be misunderstood, points at his sister's car seat and says very sternly "NIGHT NIGHT" (Translation: pacifier). He was telling me to give the girl a pacifier to shut her up!  He was clearly annoyed and was not going to be satisfied until I climbed into the back seat and gave the baby her pacifier. So, I did...and surprisingly it worked! Maybe my children have a way of communicating with each other that only they can understand? Oooh, maybe they'll be famous and I can make money off of them...gotta go...I'm gonna write to Oprah. 

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