Family Photo

Family Photo

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Remember Way Back When...

I've discovered that the life of a working mom is pretty much just plain CRAZY! This morning, I was running late for work and just as I was going to walk out the door, Noah had to go poop but was constipated and in pain and I did not have the heart to leave him in that condition. He just wanted his mama. So I sat and rubbed his back and encouraged his pushing while praying that God would hurry the process up so that I wouldn't be late. It took a good 20 minutes and a lot of grunting before he felt well enough to let me leave. I quickly made a sandwich and ran out the door and headed for work. on the way there, I called to let them know I would be late due to a case of constipation. When I exited the freeway, I noticed that the most important item was missing from my passenger seat: my PUMP! I called work again, clarified my earlier conversation letting them know that it was my son who was constipated not me and I let them know that I would be even later because I forgot my pump. I got on the freeway going the opposite direction and sat in dead stop traffic for awhile. I ended up making it to work an hour and a half late. 
  When I returned home from work later that day, I kissed my kids hello and started to work on dinner as Noah attempted to reach his little hands up to the food I was chopping and Maia began whining from her play mat. I placed Noah in his high chair and gave him an apple to munch on, swaddled Maia and placed her in her crib for a nap and went back to working on dinner. Maia cried for a good 15 minutes before falling asleep while Noah gave me a play by play of her crying (Maia's ky-ing) in between choking on apple peel. About 10 minutes after she fell asleep, Noah runs right by her bedroom door and yells and wakes her up. It took me forever to finish dinner and by the time it was ready I was starving but so were my kids. So, I fed them, bathed them and put them to bed and sat down to eat my cold dinner at 8. No time to sit and sulk over cold dinner, there was a whole kitchen to be cleaned and a shower to be taken. 
 While in the shower, I reminisced about the days with no children when I could go to work without the embarrassing backpack pump and without having some kid dilemma to make me late (i.e. constipation, spit up on my dress, explosive poop). My husband and I would come home from work and veg on the couch and after we had relaxed for awhile we'd go out for a nice peaceful hot dinner and come home to a clean house and no dishes. boring is that?! 

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