Family Photo

Family Photo

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Potty Training Diaries

Our first full day of potty training was surprisingly successful. I spent all day staring at Noah for "potty" signs, asking him if he had to go potty, and sitting on the bathroom floor. The highlight of my day was Noah pooping in the potty for the first time. It took everything within me not to gag at his man poop. Instead, I danced around, celebrated, praised him profusely for pooping in the potty. Then we went to Barnes and Noble to buy him an "Emily Train." He was ecstatic! While we were out he made 2 successful public bathroom pee stops.
Later in the day, we took the kids to my mom's house along with the porta-potty and Noah continued to use it successfully. I was so proud!
I pray that the rest of the week is as great as the first day! Pray for us!


Kathy said...

Yahoo! Praying his success (and yours) continues.

Lizzy said...

Yay, for Noah!!! I remember actually crying when Jacob first went in the potty. Haha! Hector took him to see Walle at the Theatre around the corner, I guess our reward was a little expensive. Boys are so cute!!!! You're doing such an awesome job. You go girl! :)