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Family Photo

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Most Inspiring Blog I've Ever Read

This post is another one of those out of place posts that doesn't really fit with the the usual type of writing I do on this blog but I had to post it...About 1 month ago I was blog surfing and through a friend's blog found this blog called Bring the Rain. I clicked on the blog and decided to go to the very first post instead of the most recent one because the side bar encouraged me to do so. As I began to read, I became immediately engulfed in Angie's story. It took me a whole month to read through all of her posts from the beginning until now not because of time, but because my heart needed a break often. Her story made me ache for her and I found myself often reading blurred words through tear-filled eyes. I think the most amazing thing about Angie, is her faith in Christ. She is genuine and transparent with her feelings, yet she has an unwavering faith in Christ and trusts Him with her whole heart. Her blog has challenged me and inspired me in a way that I have never been challenged or inspired before. 


Anonymous said...

Ok seriously I have been addicted to this blog since you posted it. Eddie thinks I am a weirdo because I read blogs such as Bring the Rain, but I like you am so inspired by so many moms and women who have a Faith in Christ stronger than I have ever seen! This family has chosen to stay true to Christ even tough they have been out through tougher trials that I could ever imagine. Their family did not just loose one baby but 2 in a 7 week span! I cold not imagine! Thank you for sharing this blog and I like you am challenged after reading this womens strength and faith in our God.

Sarah said...

Yeah, I too am addicted. Thanks Taleah ... wow. Seriously, reading the blog has given me a fresh perspective on my daily life, and a deeper gratitude for each of my children.