Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I Am Not Good at Being Schizophrenic

There is nothing like a good nap to re-energize me and give me the inspiration to write. After waking up at 5:00...okay 5:20 after the snooze button got beat a couple of times...I needed a nap this afternoon upon returning from church. Now, on to my inspired writing...
This week I realized another weakness of mine when it comes to being a mommy. I didn't know that when I got pregnant I also signed up to be Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. My precious neighbor Megan lost a tooth this past week and informed me that along with leaving the tooth under her pillow, she left a note for Ms. Fairy letting her know that she would like a toy of her choice instead a good ol' fashioned dollar. WHAT? It's going to be tough enough for me to remember to be the Tooth Fairy, now I gotta take special requets?
Then, my husband reminded me that we had to go shopping for the kids' Easter baskets...again I say WHAT? Why do they get presents on Easter from an Easter bunny? What does he have to do with Easter and what is his motivation for bringing gifts? He does me no good at all because I can't threathen my kids if they're naughty, there are no songs about him watching them to see if they're being nice.
Despite my kicking and screaming, we got Easter baskets for the kids and filled them with some cheap toys. But, I made sure that I got the credit for buying those toys, not the Easter Bunny. Until he puts his money out for those baskets, he doesn't get the credit...(I know you're thinking I'm a bit crazy and that I am hindering my kids' imagination but I just can't get myself to give credit to a bunny who does nothing for me as far as making my kids behave.)

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