Family Photo

Family Photo

Friday, March 5, 2010

I Deserve Another Medal

I know that I award myself with medals a lot on this blog, some negative and some positive and I know that it is not really politically correct to toot your own horn and award yourself medals but this is my blog and I can do whatever I want so I am going to begin this post with the longest run on sentence ever and bestow on myself another medal...of honor.

I am honoring myself for being so devoted to my Dave Ramsey budget that I brave 4 different grocery stores in one morning with 2 toddlers in tow just so I can get the lowest price for my grocery items. I'll pause as I know you need time to applaud.........

Anyways, I took my kids to Superior Warehouse, then to Vons, then home to unload, then to the park to reward them for being good at the first 2 places, then to Stater Brothers, then to an outdoor fruit stand. Then, I came home, put them down for naps, and began cooking as my parents were coming home for dinner and I had to do some prep for my dinners next week. It is now, 11:00 p.m. and my back and arms are aching from lifting and my kids in and out of car seats and in and out of shopping carts all day long, not to mention lugging all of the groceries in and out of the car and up the stairs into my house. I am exhausted but I feel so good that I saved a lot on groceries, that I am prepared for my meals next week, and that I had a lovely evening with my parents. Also, I am thinking that this budget thing is really good for my figure because I know I burnt a million calories doing all that I did today plus I didn't have time to eat lunch because I was too busy cooking. Thanks Dave Ramsey! Because of you, I am now saving money, losing weight, feeling better about myself, and earning many prestigious awards (umm hmm...nevermind that they're only prestigious because I said so).


Lizzy said...

Clapping...smiling...clapping some more.

Nana said...

Clap, clap, clap. Yahoo, good job girl!

kj said...

Have you asked the grocery stores if they will price match? If they don't, your commitment to finding the best price does deserve a medal.

Karise said...

HAHAHA! Love it! :) My sister Karin told me about your blog, and I read it every now and then for a laugh, perspective and to be reminded that we're all going through similar things. (I have a 3 yr girl and 19 mo boy) I WISH i'd been blogging all along to capture the do you find time?! But I can start now, right?! OK! Love your blog, thanks for sharing.
ps, skipping meals is not a good way to lose weight or maintain energy...but great job on the budgeting & productivity! :)