Family Photo

Family Photo

Friday, January 29, 2010

Clean Clothes are SOOOO Last Year

Do they have a therapy group for those of us who can't seem to get a handle on laundry? The kids have been out of clean clothes for awhile now and yet I can't seem to get around to doing their laundry or my own...because if I put it in the washer, then I have to remember to put it in the dryer, and if I do actually remember to put it in the dryer, then I'd have to fold it and put it away and that process is just so daunting.
I think that my family is going to jump on the grunge look that is in right now...think Brad Pitt with a scruffy face, disheveled hair and a beanie. Now add smelly, dirty clothes and that completes the look. That style is "in" right now, isn't it?

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