Family Photo

Family Photo

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm On a Budget

I am sitting here at my desk at work on my lunch break eating my salad that I packed from my house and sulking because I couldn't go to lunch with all the office ladies to celebrate a birthday.
Why? I'm on a budget...a real one this time. I could have gone and just not ordered anything, but I don't have the will power yet.
Even as I am sitting here sulking, I am rejoicing in the fact that I am not out spending $15.00 that I should be spending on something else. This whole budget thing has been quite eye opening for me. I've seen that although I've never done credit cards, I still spend frivolously. As I have begun to track my money, I am shocked at how much I save by being self-controlled and by planning in advance. So, my goal is to get everyone I can to go through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, it will change your life and bring you freedom (even if you do have moments of sulking at your desk at work). My other goal is to be debt free in 3 years (besides our house). That is a lofty goal for us as we have mounds of school loan debt and business loan debt, but I know that if we are committed and self controlled, we will be free in 3 years; free to spend our income on things we want to do, free to go on vacations, free to bless our kids, and mostly free to give generously to our church and those in need.
Check out your local church to see if they offer Dave Ramsey's class and also check out this DF3 blog for tips on how to budget and encouragement to stay on course.

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