Family Photo

Family Photo

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pictures from Halloween

I just realized that I never posted Halloween pictures. We went to the Trunk N' Treasure event at church and had a blast! The kids always love going because there is so much to do. This was the first year that they understood the concept of Trick or Treating and getting candy. But, I have taught them well, so about the time they received 5 pieces of candy, Noah said "Mommy, I think that's enough because candy has too much sugar and I don't wanna get sick." That's my boy! Nana came with us and the kids thought it was awesome that she dressed up like a police woman despite asking "Why she did that" a million times (They didn't understand why she would want to be a police woman when mommy threatens them with police men all the time. She's a mean mommy who tells them that the police man will come and take them to jail if they whine or don't obey). Anyways, here are some pics...

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