Family Photo

Family Photo

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Plead Guilty

We went to Red Robin for dinner the other day because I'd had a bit of a crazy day (needs a whole post all to itself) and I didn't feel like cooking or doing dishes. As soon as we got there, Noah headed straight for the arcade games to "drive the car." I called him over as soon as the hostess was ready to seat us and he bounced over to me excitedly blurting, "There was Woody over there! I saw him!" I thought it was one of those plush toys in the machines but he insisted on going back over there. I told him to wait until after we ate, but he would not be quiet or stay still until I gave in. Ricky, could no longer handle his high pitch requests to go see Woody and gave in. About 2 minutes later, Noah comes running over holding up a toy Woody character from Toy Story and yelling, "I FOUND WOODY, MOMMY!" I shoot a questioning look over to Ricky and he says,"It was just sitting there on the chair, and there was no one around." Shoot! Noah is more excited than I have ever seen him in his life, but what if the kid who lost it comes back looking for it? I should probably take it to the front host table...but what if that kid already left and the toy just sits there forever...and Noah will be so disappointed if I take it away, after Ricky already told him he could have it...ARGH! I found myself in a moral quandary. I told Noah that he could play with it but that it belonged to another little boy and if that little boy came over to claim his toy, Noah would have to give it to him. Noah shrugged his shoulders put his hands up and said, "Oh that boy's not here. He's at home sweeping in his cwib. He can't get Woody."
Well, I ended up letting him keep the toy and no little boy ever came up to him to claim it. I have felt guilty ever since. I bet that little kid went back to Red Robin looking for his toy and it was gone...poor kid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe you could have taken it and left it with the front desk and told Noah to put it on his Christmas wish list:)