Family Photo

Family Photo

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day at the Museum

I took my kids to the Chino Youth Museum this past Friday thinking that getting them out of the house would improve their demonic behavior. Well, it didn't work. They of course did not want to do the same activities at the same time so I was constantly yelling at one of them to "COME PLAY OVER HERE, PLEASE; WHERE MOMMY CAN SEE YOU!" Then, I'd have to chase them down as they ran away from me and hope that the other one would not get kidnapped in the 10 seconds that they were out of my sight. As you can imagine, I was ready to leave after being there for only 15 minutes. However, I continued chasing, yelling, and threatening for another 40 minutes, when Maia informed me that she had pooped. Me, being the world's best mom, forgot to bring diapers. Thus, we needed to leave immediately so that the diaper rash she was sure to contract would not be severe. I picked her up and informed Noah that it was time to leave. He was playing in the "jail" and was adamant about not wanting to leave. I tried everything I could to get him out of there without causing a scene. He refused to cooperate. I put Maia down, physically removed Noah from the "jail," placed him onto my hip, and began moving with purpose toward the exit as he screamed, "I WANNA STAY IN JAIL! I WANNA STAY IN JAIL!" As if one child screaming wasn't enough, Maia repeatedly stated, "Poop, Mama, poop," while we made our very disruptive escape. By the time we met Ricky for lunch, I looked like I had just gone 12 rounds in a boxing ring. I looked so ragged, that I don't think Ricky would have recognized me if the kids were not with me. Here are some pics.

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