Family Photo

Family Photo

Friday, July 10, 2009

I Need A Strong Drink

It is only 1:00 p.m. and I am in serious need of a couple glasses of wine. My friend Korin invited us to a play date at the water park in Corona. I was so excited to spend some time with my friend and let the kids run and play in the water. However, I could tell that my kids were not planning on being pleasant for me the moment I got them in the truck. Noah's whining had begun and Maia was obviously not thrilled about having to skip her morning nap.
Our time at the park consisted of Noah whining, whining, and whining some more, Maia being cranky at not getting her way, Noah wandering off and not coming when I would call him, Noah crying to go home and get his pacifier, and me being completely embarrassed of my children. I really don't think that my friend will ever invite me to another play date again. I felt like the mom who has "those children." You know the ones that drive everyone crazy and no one wants around? As I was packing up to leave, Noah decided to wander off (while crying) and head to the other side of the park by himself. Because, I was so tired of fighting with the whiny kid, I just let him go. I kept my eye on him while I continued to pack. He walked by another family who looked at him and then scanned their surroundings to look for the irresponsible parent who would let their kid wander off like that. She made eye contact with me and asked if he belonged to me. I wanted to say "No," but I reluctantly said yes. Thank God she didn't reprimand me for not keeping him close to me. We finally got to the car and by this point I was ready to scream. Noah needed a spanking and so I parked the stroller containing Maia next to the truck, I administered the much needed spanking after making sure no one was watching so CPS would not be called, and I placed Noah in his car seat. I turn to get Maia and realize that the stroller has rolled right up to the front tire of the truck which means her feet are covered in black messiness. After cleaning her all up and getting everyone buckled in, I start the truck engine and notice a nasty smell. By this time both kids were very ready to go home and were letting me know by their loud cries, but I could not make the drive home without finding out what that nasty smell was. I sniffed both kids' diapers and both sets of shoes. Noah's shoes were the culprit. He had stepped in dog poop. Just my luck.
The shoes are now in the back of my truck, both kids are asleep, and I need a drink.

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